Sunday, 8 August 2010

It's Been A Year!!

The 1st anniversary of my sister's admission to hospital, with a suspected "severe penicillin allergy", passed last week. Next week is the 1st anniversary of the 1st time the Big C was mentioned.

On August Bank Holiday - a mere few weeks hence - we'll reach another 1st ... the day they added another C into the mix & we read Cholangiocarcinoma on her Release Form, when I took her home on a 24 hour Pass.

A Year.

She went home on Thursday ... Home to her own flat after more than 10 months here with Laura & me.

I feel weird ...


Lizzie99 said...

Hi it's me, I'm back!!! Wow Julia, what a year for both you and Susan....

Here's to the next year and the next, get that CC!!!! How strange for youa nd Laura that you are alone, but what a step forward for Susan. You have obviously empowered her and cared for her soooo well!!

Catch up soon, Love Liz xx

LaLupes said...

Am very glad you're back safely - sorry about the thunderstorms which greeted your return, though :-(

Looking forward to catching up - & thank you for those lovely comments :-)
